
Tuesday, September 10, 2024

A Guide To The Most Helpful Links for Rape & Abuse Survivors | World Suicide Prevention Day 2024

“When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.”

Malala Yousafzai

For our first World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD), Shake My Hand have put a lot of work into this post – which we’ve branded a ‘guide’ – to an absolute TON of links that we think will be helpful for survivors of rape and abuse; particularly where they’re feeling suicidal or beginning to contemplate making a suicide attempt. We recognise that different coping skills or methods of seeking help can work for different people, so we’ve tried to create an enormous variety of links, and we hope that at least one of these is useful for someone…

In an emergency always call 999

For some localities: you can contact your local Crisis Team by calling 111 and pressing option 2 – in all other localities; this number and option will still also provide urgent mental health telephone support.

Mind also provides a number of Services (some will be linked below) but it also has a section on its website of general information about seeking help and why you might be struggling to do so:

How to seek help for a mental health problem - Mind

There’s also information on how to help and support someone else with suicidal thoughts:

Suicide prevention | Mental Health Foundation

Websites Providing A Help Directory:

Help Directory | Shake My Hand (

Useful contacts - suicidal feelings - Mind

Find a Helpline (

Online Support:

Mind’s Online Support Service: Side By Side

Side by Side: our online community - Mind

Switchboard: Helping and supporting people who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender:

CALM Webchat Service:

I'm struggling | Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) (


Help for young people experiencing suicidal thoughts and feelings:

Suicidal Feelings | Help And Advice For Young People | YoungMinds

Phone & Text Support:

Nightline Listening Support for Students:

Find Yours: Listening Services Run by Students, for Students (

Papyrus Hopeline for people under 35 (24/7):

Papyrus UK Suicide Prevention | Prevention of Young Suicide (

SHOUT Text Service (24/7):

Get help - free, 24/7, confidential mental health text support service | Shout 85258 (

National Suicide Prevention Helpline (6pm – midnight):

National Suicide Prevention Helpline Uk » Home (

SANEline (4:30pm – 10pm):

SANEline services - SANE

This link on Mind provides practical tools that you can use yourself if you feel you’re in a crisis; it features ideas for methods of distraction, as well as relaxing and calming exercises, and ways to create a safe plan for the next few hours. Creating a safe plan promotes the idea of listing ways to get through the next five minutes, and then it moves onto ten minutes and so on. You can keep your Plan by typing in your email address or just leave it as a one-off: Need urgent help - Mind

Wellness Action Plans:

Positivity Exercises:

Breathing Exercises:


A list of coping strategies from Papyrus:

Hopelink from Papyrus helps you to create suicide safety plans: HOPELINK | Papyrus ( with more guidance here:

Download the Stay Alive app which is a UK suicide prevention resource including information and helpful tools:

Use Headspace which features a free basic package of help to manage your mental health as well as subscriptions to access other services:


Games and puzzles - Mind

Practical activities - Mind

A list of Distraction Activities from Papyrus:

Health & Fitness Activities:

A free Meditation App:

Creative Writing Prompts - Writer's Digest (

Help to create a Crisis Box:

Help to create a Hope Book which can be a scrapbook or journal including things you like and things you enjoy doing etc.:

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